Niagara Jembong - Waterfall with the Best Arrangement in Bali

Niagara Jembong

The first impression that you will get even so new to the parking lot of the waterfall is "wow". Structuring travel managed by a village not too rich can organize tourist objects so beautiful and orderly like this. Cleanliness is no doubt, almost every point a few meters away there is a trash can so you will not find garbage here. This waterfall is located in Jembong village bordering Gitgit Village which is also famous for its waterfall tour. From the city of Denpasar are approximately 80 kilometers and a two-hour drive using a motor vehicle.

When we got to the entrance, you are immediately greeted by beautiful mini-park with several fish ponds and crops were very orderly arrangement. The road to the waterfall there are two sides, smooth roads, and street stairs, you just select. But if it's raining then the ladder is the best choice because sometimes the smooth road is slippery with moss.

Niagara Jembong

Unlike the other waterfall which we usually had to walk down a valley or to the bottom of a river and the sometimes impassable road is very steep. At this waterfall is on the contrary, we actually went up a hill to reach the waterfall. In some corners there are some ponds more beautiful one of them there is a pool called a Selfie, so please just if you want Selfie there.

Although the position of the waterfall is located on the hill but not too much of his net just 200 meters from the parking lot. Waterfall Jembong has two levels with characteristics of clear water, rapids and rock type, so the water does not fall directly into the pool below but hit the rocks makes it more charming. Right below it there is a pond and you can swim in it. The water depth at an upper level around the chest of adults. Although the two-storey safe enough to swim in a waterfall edge both because there is a concrete barrier, so you do not need to fear being dragged into the second waterfall but to be safe it is advisable to stay away from the edge of the waterfall to minimize unwanted things. The first high waterfall about 15 meters so does not try to rise to the top so although it is possible because it is very dangerous. In the second waterfall provided a shallower created intentionally by damming some corner edge of the falls and the water turn. Under the edge of the pool is also very secure with a concrete barrier which was made as it looks natural surroundings.

Niagara Jembong

So with all the best arrangement in waterfall Jembong this, whether you will be one of the visitors of these places? Of course, a pity if you miss this beautiful waterfall during a trip to Bali.
