5 Balinese Food that You Must Try

Bali is one of the favorite destinations of tourists from domestic and foreign tourists. Therefore, entrepreneurs flocked open cafes and restaurants in Bali. To the extent that the tourists more familiar names of a popular cafe in Bali compared the names of traditional Balinese food. Though of course Bali also has a variety of specialties that we must taste while on vacation to Bali. And in fact is not complete if you do not taste the delicious Balinese food with distinctive taste of its spices. This is 5 Balinese food that you must try.

Ayam Betutu
"Ayam Betutu" is one of the refined cuisines of chicken which is a typical food of Bali. "Ayam Betutu" is certainly the same as the other typical Balinese cuisine is equipped with typical spices that have a spicy flavor. To make "Ayam Betutu" typically use basic ingredients of chicken because it will produce tastes better and distinctive than using domestic chicken. Among you are probably still many who do not know this one dish. To that end, "Ayam Betutu" highly inappropriate for you to test and feel. Spices are used to make "betutu" certainly very varied, all of it aimed at achieving a good flavor and taste delicious. In addition, "Ayam Betutu" can also be customized to your tastes and your desire for a kind of flavor and the way they are presented.

Sate Lilit
"Sate Lilit" is made from pureed fish and given flour and spices typical of Bali. "Sate Lilit" made by wrapping the fish meat on lemongrass. It felt very distinctive, a blend of spicy, fragrant, sweet and savory with the scents of lemongrass. Not just delicious, "Sate Lilit" as well as low-fat healthy.

Lawar Bali
"Lawar Bali" is a blend of cooking vegetables are boiled, baked coconut and spiced minced meat. The meat used is beef, pork, chicken, ducks, and turtles. While the vegetables are young jackfruit, papaya, and beans. There are various types of Lawar, there white Lawar and red Lawar. Red Lawar is lawar that use a mixture of blood from the meat used. There is also lawar are named according to the type of meat or vegetables are used, such as "Lawar pigs" and "Lawar jackfruit".

Sate Plecing
"Sate Plecing" in Bali there that use chicken, pork, fish or sea. Uniqueness is if the plecing satay skewers are generally served with peanut sauce, then plecing satay served with condiments plecing. Plecing itself is a typical Indonesian food from Lombok and Bali. Plecing is a tomato sauce made from cayenne pepper, salt, shrimp paste, tomatoes, and sometimes by droplets lime.

Babi Guling
"Babi Guling" (Pigs bolsters) is a Balinese food made from piglets, whose stomach is filled with herbs and vegetables, such as cassava leaves, then baked with twisted around (overthrow-roll) until cooked. Originally pork roll is used for religious ceremonies, but now "Babi Guling" can be found easily in a variety of restaurants, cafes, and hotels in Bali. "Babi Guling" the most famous come from Gianyar regency with a distinctive taste and delicious.
